
Hardware Risk Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist Hardware Risk Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist

Unexpected Losses

Indirect income loss from assemblers, shock loss from dropped boxes, or shipping loss even with F.O.B.: understand what the potential problems and solutions are.

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Hardware Risk Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist Hardware Risk Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist

Manufacturing Risks In The Global Economy

Technology manufacturing is the backbone of our New England economy. Our Massachusetts manufacturers have long exported nearly 1/3 of our technology products, making Massachusetts an important part of the global economy. Risks of the international marketplace naturally follow.

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Hardware Risk Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist Hardware Risk Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist

Unreliability of Hardware and Software

As an editorial observation by this author looking back over 30 years of professional work in technology, I am compelled to draw some provocative conclusions. In the old days, when we re-wired boards to run IBM 80-column cards, we'd call Chris when things got tangled up.

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Hardware Risk Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist Hardware Risk Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist

Sharing the Risk - This Is Not A Test

In the wake of September 11th’s tragedies, insurers are quietly making good on their annual promises to pay losses. Interestingly, all policies exclude war related losses in a very broad way. However, America’s insurers are stepping up to the plate in the biggest way they ever have, declaring these losses as "terrorist acts" and not excluding coverage. Does that affect you? Absolutely!

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