Electronic Equipment Maintenance Insurance
If your Electronic Equipment Maintenance costs exceed $20,000 each year, there are some interesting new products on the market which can save you up to 20-25% in annual fees.
Questions on Every CEO's Mind
We offer over 20 years experience in risk management and the technology insurance marketplace. Call us to help. We will be honored t
IT as a Commodity: The Premise
Be sure your insurer understands your new operational configuration and has solutions within at least the same boundaries as before you outsourced. You will need to consider all outsourced services as branches of your own offices and operations. Coverage for each function should be analyzed and insured by you if not by your outsourced service provider.
Contracts, Risk, and Your Insurance
With local tech companies on the short-end of the contract stick, managing risks and exposures is increasingly important.
Internet Data Security
Internet Data security is currently the number one technology challenge. Insurance programs can cover statute risks
E-Commerce and Web Site Liability
E-Commerce and Web Site Liability: Make sure your insurer is prepared to defend you for any related claims against you.
Technology Risk - What You Can Transfer, What You Cannot!
In economically troubled times business risks take on increased weight. You need to understand what risk you can transfer and what risk you cannot.
RISK is a 4-Letter Word
Let’s look at issues involving risk transfer and how it might draw added value toward you and your products.
Don’t Risk Protection With Poor Planning
An annual comprehensive discussion of risk with the professional team – accountants, insurance providers and attorneys – can make a positive difference, both competitively and practically.