
In The News, COVID-19 Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist In The News, COVID-19 Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist

COVID-19 and Y2K

Y2K in 2000, like COVID-19 in 2020, was novel with respect to not anyone having prior experience with the issue. While the severity of long-term COVID-19 economic issues cannot be underestimated, or possibly estimated accurately at all at this time, once again desperation turns to the assets of insurers to assist in economic support for businesses.

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In The News Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist In The News Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist

Insurers as DP Vendors: N.P. James in Best's Review

Insurers as DP Vendors: UNFOLDING before the insurance industry is an unforeseen marketing phenomenon as insurance companies finally bring workable agency computer products into the competitive systems market. Aetna's IBM Gemini system is the product of two industry giants and, in my opinion, is the first system to be worthy of a creditable mark in the open marketplace.

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