Special Policy Needed for Aircraft Applications

Background:A long-time software developer client with worldwide revenues over $50,000,000 let us know that aircraft manufacturers are using their product for component analysis.ProblemEven if that software application never leaves the ground, any products used around aircraft, aerospace, or airports need special attention for associated risks. Any liability associated with aircraft is excluded on standard general liability policies. In order for the general liabilities insurer to assume the remaining product risks, they required an aircraft-specific policy.SolutionN.P. James Insurance Agency identified and recommended a specialty aircraft product liability carrier to assist with placement and pricing.ResultsThe software developer acquired the necessary policy at a reasonable price and the GL carrier was satisfied.

Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist

Nancy James is a cyberspace liability pioneer on the leading edge of emerging trends in complex technology risks, national, and global.


Product Liabilities in an Assets-Only Sale


Securing Coverage for Products Sold Globally