
Cyberspace Risk Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist Cyberspace Risk Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist

Computer Crime

Computer theft is currently a $10 billion industry. Insurance claims on stolen computers have increased 600% with average theft claims in 1992 of $5,000 growing to $500,000 in 1998. Crimes where computers are the targets are currently being replaced by computers being used as the instrument of crime - are you safe?

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Case Studies Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist Case Studies Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist

Cyber Warfare & Trade Disruption

Background:Embargoes, prohibitions of outsourcing (especially when involving communications infrastructure), confiscation or freezing of foreign assets and/or currency, and contract repudiation can likely ensue during panic mode.

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Outsourcing Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist Outsourcing Nancy James, Technology Risk Specialist

Is Outsourcing Right for You?

Outsourcing a non-core function can save you time and lower your costs. It can give you access to added expertise, and can provide you with a valued partner in your business as the outsourcing relationship grows. In summary, here are reasons to outsource and reasons not, as well as how to get started:

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